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Research Articles

Fully Refereed International Journal Articles

Miwa, N., Bhatt, A.* , and Kato, H. (2022). High-Speed Rail Development and Regional Inequalities: Evidence from Japan. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol 2676, Issue 7, pp. 363–378. (DOI: [SCIE, IF= 2.019 (2021), SAGE]


Miwa, N., Bhatt, A., Morikawa, S., and Kato, H*. (2022), High-Speed Rail and Knowledge Economy: Evidence from Japan. Transportation Research Part A : Policy and Practice, Vol. 159, pp. 398-416. (DOI: [SSCI, IF= 6.615 (2021), Elsevier]


Komikado, H., Morikawa, S.*, Bhatt, A., and Kato, H. (2021), High speed Rail, Inter-regional Accessibility, and Regional Innovation: Evidence from Japan. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 167, 120697. (DOI: [SSCI, IF= 10.884 (2021), Elsevier]


Bhatt, A.*, and Kato, H. (2021), High-Speed Rails and Knowledge Productivity: A Global Perspective. Transport Policy, Vol. 101, pp.174-186. (DOI: [SSCI, IF= 6.173 (2021), Elsevier]


Bhatt, A.*, Vasudevan, V., and Misra, S. (2019), Internal Benchmarking of Inter-City Public Bus Operators in India. Asian Transport Studies, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 767-783. (DOI: [Scopus, J-STAGE/Elsevier]

Fully Refereed International Conference Papers and Presentations

‡Miwa, N., Bhatt, A.* and Kato, H. (2021), High-Speed Rail Development and Regional Inequalities: Evidence from Japan. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. (USA), January 2021.


Vasudevan, V.*, Misra, S., Chakrobarti, T., Behera, P.K., Bhatt, A. and Lal, B. (2020), Direct and Indirect Employment generated from Highway Construction in India, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. (USA), January 2020.


Bhatt, A.*, Vasudevan, V. and Misra, S. (2019), Internal Benchmarking of Inter-City Public Bus Operators in India, 15th World Conference on Transport Research, Mumbai (India), May 2019.


Bhatt, A.*, Vasudevan, V., Misra, S. and Kalkal, K. (2019), Framework to Study the Comparative Performance of Public Bus Transport Operators - An Illustration using Indian Data, Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. (USA), January 2019.

Contributions to Edited Volume/Book(s)

Edited Sections

Seetha Ram, K.E.*, Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., and Bhatt, A. (2021), Introduction. In: Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development (eds. by Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., Seetha Ram, K.E. ). ADB Institute Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 1-5. [URL]


Zhang, J.*, Hayashi, Y., Seetha Ram, K.E., Bhatt, A. and Wee, V.E.H., (2021), Key messages/Executive summary of Part – I : Impacts of COVID-19 on Transport and Logistics. In: Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development (eds. by Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., Seetha Ram, K.E.). ADB Institute Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 9-15. [URL]


Rothengatter, W. and Bhatt, A.* (2021), Key messages/Executive summary of Part–II: Wider Economic Impacts and Quality of life Implications of Transport Infrastructure. In: Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development (eds. by Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., Seetha Ram, K.E.). ADB Institute Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 127-132. [URL]


Hayashi, Y.*, Seetha Ram, K.E., Wee, V.E.H., and Bhatt, A. (2021), Key messages/Executive summary of Part– III : Impacts of High Speed Rail on Other Modes of Intercity Travel. In: Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development (eds. by Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., Seetha Ram, K.E.). ADB Institute Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 271-274. [URL]


Rao K.V.K.*, Wee, V. E.H., and Bhatt, A. (2021), Key messages/Executive summary of Part – IV : Transport-Urban Development Interactions. In: Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development (eds. by Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., Seetha Ram, K.E.). ADB Institute Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 351-354. [URL]


Misra, S.*, Mahalingam, A., Seetha Ram, K.E., and Bhatt, A. (2021), Key messages/Executive summary of Part – V : Research and Innovation for Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Development in Asia. In: Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development (eds. by Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., Seetha Ram, K.E.). ADB Institute Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 485-491. [URL]


Seetha Ram, K.E., Bugalia, N.*, Bhatt, A., and Wee, V. E. H. (2021), Key messages/Executive summary of Part – VI : High-Speed Rail for the People. In: Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development (eds. by Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., Seetha Ram, K.E.). ADB Institute Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 565-568. [URL]


Vasudevan, V.*, Misra, S., Chakraborty, T., Behera, P.K., and Bhatt, A. (2021), Estimating Direct, Indirect and Induced Employment from Highway Construction in India. In: Frontiers in High-Speed Rail Development (eds. by Hayashi, Y., Rothengatter, W., Seetha Ram, K.E.). ADB Institute Press, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 545-562. [URL]

*  Indicate lead/corresponding author of the article ;
‡  Indicate that the revised version of this article is included in the list of fully refereed journal articles

©2024 by Ayushman Bhatt

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